Tyromyces fissilis

Tyromyces Fissilis is a parasitic fungus species that develops on both dead and living deciduous trees. It occurs in Europe, North America and Asia. In Poland, it is a relatively rare species, potentially threatened with extinction. After the tree dies, it continues to develop as a saprotrophic species. It produces annual, fairly large fruiting bodies from July to November.

BEECARE was developed based on an extract from Tyromyces fissilis. The preparation is the result of cooperation between IDN and the Białystok University of Technology (BUT). During the research, the effectiveness of BEECARE was proven both in laboratory conditions and directly on bees in the hive.

Why was BEECARE created based on a fungus from the Białowieża Forest? 

Fungi produce hundreds of bioactive compounds, so-called secondary metabolites, but also have an extremely extensive enzymatic apparatus, because thanks to it, they are the only organisms on Earth able to decompose dead wood and effectively destroy diseases occurring in the natural ecosystem.

American foulbrood (AFB) 

Studies have shown that around 40% of bee colonies in Europe are exposed to American foulbrood (AFB) - an infectious disease leading to the death of bees and the destruction of entire apiaries. American foulbrood is a bacterial disease that attacks bees. It causes the death of brood in the combs. The hives are quickly infected by the bacteria, and then - due to the movement of bees - the disease easily attacks the entire population in a given area.

Currently, there is no approved drug for AFB in Europe. This disease is combated ex officio, and colonies affected by American foulbrood are destroyed by burning infected hives and entire apiaries.