Białowieża Forest

We have not only the opportunity but also the good fortune to implement our project in such a unique place in Europe and the world - on the edge of the Białowieża Forest.

The Białowieża Forest is described as Europe's last lowland natural forest or relict of primeval forests.

  • The Białowieża Forest is a unique forest. Its natural value is due to its high biodiversity and functioning natural forest ecosystems.
  • The Białowieża Forest is one of the most important areas for the occurrence of fungi in Europe.
  • Approximately 3,400 species of fungi have been identified in the Białowieża Forest, and given that only around 10% of all fungi occurring in the world are known to science - there is still much to discover.
  • Among these fungi, there are hundreds with completely unexplored health-promoting potential.

Cooperation with Bialystok University of Technology, from which our project team originates, is also an important locational element. Bialystok University of Technology created Fungi Extract Bank, with which we have an ongoing scientific collaboration.